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Dr. Wolfgang Armbruster


Experimental investigation of fuel-rich RDCs for gas generator applications

Host Institution:

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)

Main Supervisor:

Dr. Justin Hardi


Dr. Wolfgang Armbruster


Recruitment Open

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Work Package:


The goal of this project is to investigate if the conventional gas generator in a liquid propellant rocket propulsion system that drives the turbopumps in many European launcher engines can be replaced by a rotating detonation combustor (RDC). The main technical challenges and research questions that need to be addressed are, if a stable detonation can be achieved and sustained at very low propellant mixture ratios (fuel-rich) and how the flow and pressure dynamics of the rotating detonation waves influence the driving of supersonic turbines. In order to do so, the currently existing RDC at DLR will be up-scaled towards higher mass flow rates and higher mean chamber pressures to be compatible with existing supersonic turbines with partial admission at DLR. If the up-scaling of the hardware and stable detonation at low propellant mixture ratios can be achieved, the final goal of is to combine the up-scaled RDC with the modified supersonic turbine and test the combined system at DLR.

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